
Environment and Communities

Climate Change Resilience

Our guiding principle is that protecting the environment and society from the climate crisis requires the private and public sectors to work together; we provide the means for them to do so seamlessly and effectively.

CFM only invests in projects that contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change and building resilience. We estimate that upon full deployment of the CIO funds we will avoid 1.9 million tonnes of CO2 or equivalent per annum.

Gender Mainstreaming

Consideration of gender is integral in all aspects of our work. We have established a gender policy that applies to all our activities. Our Gender Integration Action Plan (GIAP) guides our activities both as a fund manager and in relation to our projects.

We are committed to taking reasonable measures to avoid any disproportionate impacts on any group of people as a result of their gender or any other personal characteristic.

Human Rights

Respect for human rights is a core consideration in all our business activities. We require all our projects to establish arrangements for respecting the human rights of all those who may be affected by our projects, including the safeguarding of community members, project personnel and property.
In addition, we look for ways to improve the ability of people to realise their human rights through our community development framework.

Stakeholder Engagement

We believe that transparent, open and two-way stakeholder engagement is vital if we are to make a positive difference. We want stakeholders to participate in our project decision-making processes and to express their views.
We engage with our project stakeholders from the beginning of the development process. Every project is required to have a stakeholder engagement plan, which has to be executed throughout the project lifetime in a genuine, inclusive and gender-sensitive manner.

Community Development

We want the initiatives we support to make a real, permanent difference to the communities around our developments. That is why we ensure that they are designed based on the needs of the community, deliver on local priorities and are community-led. We have established a Community Development Framework that sets out the principles and methodology for delivering community-led development. All of our projects are required to prepare a community development programme that includes a plan of interventions that will take place over the short, medium and longer term. Where appropriate, we work with trusted implementation partners that have the local expertise, network and resources to work with the intended beneficiaries to deliver on the initiatives supported by our projects.

Environmental and Social Safeguards

In accordance with our Responsible Investment Code, we conduct a thorough assessment of the environmental and social impacts and risks associated with each potential investment. This assessment is fully integrated in the investment lifecycle, starting with the initial consideration of an investment opportunity prior to presentation to our internal investment committee.

Our Environmental and Social Management System describes the different environmental and social risk management activities that are undertaken for the life cycle of every project. All of our projects are categorised according to their anticipated environmental and social risk. As a general principle, we seek to do no harm through the projects in which we invest. This means that those projects with the most significant impacts will be considered only on the basis of rigourous assessment and clear evidence of positive impact that is aligned with our ‘do good’ philosophy.

Our responsibility for managing environmental and social impacts and risks continues to endure throughout our investment lifecycle. To support this, we apply environmental and social safeguards that are designed to align with international standards. We monitor the effective implementation of these safeguards through ongoing reviews.

Further information about our environmental and social due diligence and safeguards can be found here in our Environmental and Social Management System.