Climate Investor Two (“CI2”) is considering an investment opportunity in Tubig Pilipinas Group Inc. (“Tubig”), a clean water platform. CI2 will provide equity funding for the expansion and rehabilitation of five operating water treatment and distribution projects in the Philippines, as follows: –

  • San Jose Project, San Jose city, Nueva Ecija province, Expansion of 4,000 m3/day to c. 14,000 m3/day and construction of 10 m3 /day septage treatment plant;
  • Nabua Project, municipality of Nabua, Camarines Sur province. Expansion of 2,000 m3/day to c. 6,000 m3/day and construction of 10 m3/day septage treatment plant;
  • Trece Project, Trece Martires City in the Cavite province. Expansion of 2,000 m3/day to c. 4,000 m3/day ;
  • Coron Project, municipality of Coron, Palawan province. Expansion of 1,000 m3/day to c. 2,000 m3/day and construction of 10 m3/day septage treatment plant.
  • Catbalogan Project, Catbalogan City, Samar province. Expansion of 23,000 m3/day to 32,000 m3/day and construction of 10 m3/day septage treatment plant

Our Development Partner

Tubig Pilipinas Group Inc. (“Tubig”)

We Invest

US$6.9m (DF 2)
US$28.4m (CEF 2)

Estimated Project Impact

Direct Jobs Across the five projects: Approximately 430 construction jobs and 603 jobs during O&M.
People served Across the five projects: 204,901 beneficiaries receiving water from the projects.
Volume of water supplied per day (m3) Across the five projects: 58,000 m3 water supplied per day.

CI2 E&S Rationale

The environmental and social risk (“E&S”) of the investment has been classified as Category B+ (in accordance with CI2’s risk categorisation) which is equivalent to International Finance Corporation (IFC) Category B. Adverse E&S risks and/or impacts are limited, generally site-specific and largely reversible which can be effectively managed in line with available international standards.

Funding Objective

Tubig presents an attractive opportunity for CI2 to create meaningful impact to underserved communities in the Philippines by providing clean water and addressing the challenges faced by the country’s water sector. The investment also has clear climate change adaptation benefits, fitting within the CI2 mandate – clean water supply projects with a Rio Marker score of “2” for Climate Change Adaptation.





Business Model

Water treatment and distribution

Environmental & Social Category




Project Location

Why Climate Investor Two Wants to Invest in This Project

CI2’s investment aims to support growing water needs in the Philippines, particularly in underserved regions of the country. The projects will provide a clean drinking water to the end users in the respective service areas and through the proposed expansion will be able to connect more people who do not currently have piped water