Climate Investor 2 (CI2) through the Stichting Development Fund (CI2 DF) is taking part in the development of two Waste to Energy (WtE) Build Own Operate (BOO) facilities in Northern Thailand. The facilities will utilise incineration technology to burn an estimated 570 tons per day of municipal solid waste each, generating a combined ~20MW.

Our Development Partner


We Invest

Up to USD 5.8 million

Development Fund funding

Estimated Project Impact

9.9 MW additional capacity per facility

12,530  tCO2eq/year emissions avoided per facility
12,480 People served with clean energy per facility

32 GWH/year clean electricity per facility

42 Direct jobs per facility

CI2 E&S Rationale

The Project has been assigned a B+ rating which reflects the potential for largely reversible social or environmental impacts that can be addressed through relevant mitigation measures.

Funding Objective

The project is currently in early stage development, over the next period the developer will procure extensive feasibility studies, package the project for Ministry of Interior Approval as well as secure all outstanding waste.





Business Model


Environmental & Social Category




Project Location

Why Climate Investor Two Wants to Invest in This Project

The project will have significant environmental benefits including:

  • The reduction of the volume of untreated water that drainsthrough MSW into groundwater and surface water supplieswhich could be in the form of toxic leachate
  • The reduction in the emission of Methane gas which is a farmore active greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide throughthe reduction of MSW landfills in Thailand.