The Project consists of a debt for climate conversion to preserve the 60,000 km2 Hermandad Marine Protected Area in the Galápagos, Islands Ecuador.

Our Development Partner

Oceans Finance Company (OFC)

We Invest

3.5 million

Development Funding

USD 94 million

Forecasted Construction Funding

Estimated Project Impact

60,000km² ecosystems protected / under sustainable management

130 Direct Jobs

CI2 E&S Rationale

The Project has been assigned a B+ rating which reflects the potential for largely reversible social or environmental impacts that can be addressed through relevant mitigation measures.

Funding Objective

DF2 has approved funding to strengthen the internal capacity of the project company, and to aid the development of the intellectual property related to executing a series of debt for nature conversion, and secure rights for CI2 to participate in any future pipeline across the Global Pipeline.

Environmental & Social Category



Debt for Nature Conservation


Latin America

Business Model

Marine Protection

Why Climate Investor Two Wants to Invest in This Project

CI2 in collaboration with OFC is supporting the largest ever Debt for Nature Conversion at time of close. The transaction sets a precedent of the power that blended finance in partnerships can play in not only promoting conservation, addressing climate change, but also providing commercial opportunities for investors in climate impact strategies and projects. The transaction in essence creates a perpetual conservation fund for the Galapagos Islands.