Spectainer is a growth stage green intermodal innovation company that has developed a next generation shipping container ecosystem through its collapsible shipping containers and IoT security and location devices to achieve better operational efficiency resulting in economic savings and environmental benefits. COLLAPSECON® is Spectainer’s flagship patented collapsible shipping container.
Our Development Partner
Spectainer Pty Ltd
We Invest
2.0 million
Development Funding
USD 75 million
Forecasted Construction Funding
Estimated Project Impact
200 Jobs at Manufacturing Sites
90 Jobs at local ports
84,890 TCO2-e per year
CI2 E&S Rationale
The Project has been classified as category B in terms of potential environmental and social risks. The potential for adverse impacts on the environment and local communities and other stakeholders will need to be further assessed but is anticipated to be of low risk.
Funding Objective
The investment opportunity involves CI2 playing a critical role in the final development of a technology that has the potential to catalyze industry adoption of collapsible shipping containers, with the overall objective of reducing the carbon intensity of global cargo transport.
Intra-Asia Pacific
Vietnam, Thailand (Manufacturing Base)
Business Model
Collapsible Shipping Containers
Environmental & Social Category
Green Shipping
Why Climate Investor Two Wants to Invest in This Project
Widespread adoption of collapsible shipping containers has the potential to substantially reduce GHG emissions in the trucking, handling, and shipping of empty containers. Successful development also stands to create between 200 to 400 new manufacturing jobs in the Mekong Delta – a DFCD priority landscape – and 450 new jobs at South East Asian ports.