The project concerns the development of a hybrid power project consisting of a 30MW ground-based photovoltaic (PV) power generation plant and a 15MW/45MWh Battery Energy Storage System in Senegal.
Our Development Partner
Energy Resources Senegal SA (“ERS”)
We Invest
USD 1.48 million
Development Fund Contracted
Estimated Project Impact
55 GWh of power produced
37 000 tCO2eq/year of emissions avoided
275 jobs created
150 000 people served
Funding Rationale
The Project will be the first of its kind in Senegal. With a successful track record of IPPs in the sector and the support of the Government of Senegal, this project will set an important precedent for further hybrid power plant opportunities on the African continent.
Contract signature date
30 September 2020
Expected commercial operations date
Business Model
Solar and Storage
Environmental & Social Category
Renewable Energy & Energy Storage
E&S Context
The Project has been classified as Category B+ in terms of environmental and social (“E&S”) impacts and risks which is equivalent to International Finance Corporation (IFC) Category B. Adverse E&S impacts are limited and effective mitigation measures in line with international standards are available. IFC Performance Standards (PS) 1-6 are applicable to the Project. There are no indigenous peoples (IFC PS7) in the project area of influence and IFC PS8 (cultural heritage) is not triggered beyond the standard requirement for ‘chance find’ procedures. The main E&S impacts and risks relate to economic displacement and livelihood impacts. Land acquired for the Project is used for agriculture by members of the local communities based on a customary land tenure system. An ESIA to Senegalese legislative requirements has been prepared and a number of supplementary specialist studies conducted in line with IFC Performance Standards. An ESMP and a community development programme has been prepared and dedicated community liaison is ongoing. The Project is also preparing a Livelihood Restoration Plan to be implemented once construction commences.